Who We Are

The Society was founded and operates as a Type II supporting organization under the provisions of IRS code 501 C (3) non-profit public charity. Members of the board are volunteers and receive no financial compensation for their service. The Society’s board is composed of serving and retired members of a branch of the Military Forces of the State of New York. This includes NY’s Army and Air National Guard, Naval Militia, and New York Guard. All members of New York’s Organized Militia, including those who are honorably separated following their service, are considered members of the Society.

Make Your Donation

If you’d like to learn more about the National Guard & Naval Militia Relief Society Of NY, Inc. and what we do, please reach out to us. Part of our mission with this website is to increase the public’s awareness of our organization and what we do for both the active and retired members of New York’s military forces, so we’re always more than willing to answer all your questions.

Visit our donation page to help out or contact us today to learn more.