Where We Come From

The Society was officially organized in the mid-1990s around a monetary endowment that dates to the 1930s, prior to the Second World War. It is said that NY National Guard officers back then made donations to a combined fund to benefit enlisted Soldiers. A formal organization was not established, but funds had been secured. Once these were located and identified years later, the Society was legally created. Today, it is a registered charity with the Internal Revenue Service and the New York State Department of Law. For more than 25 years, the Society operated without raising additional funds. Today, the original endowment has been diminished by years of emergency grants given to hundreds of qualified applicants. Creating this website is the first step to restoring the endowment so the Society can continue its mission well into the future.

Donate & Help Others Today

As you can see, the National Guard & Naval Militia Relief Society Of NY, Inc. has a very rich history of helping those who have served our nation when they need it most. If you’d like to learn more about what we do, please visit our mission page or contact us directly. If you’d like to donate to National Guard & Naval Militia Relief Society Of NY, Inc., please do so directly through our website.